Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, miniature horses are recognized as working service animals. Service miniature horses are best known as guide animals which also offers mobility and balance for their owners. Like service dogs, miniature horses are individually trained to perform specific tasks to keep their owners safe and help them live more independently. Training a service miniature horse is more extensive than a service dog. They must complete all required training plus have additional training to work through non-traditional situations.
HHIA offers a training program for service miniature horses. They are trained to serve their owner based on the need or individual disability.
Training begins with an assessment tool that is used throughout the training process. It serves as a performance indicator and demonstrates progress in training throughout the program. Horses complete the program once their assessment is in the 95-100% range. Not every task in the assessment applies to the service animal's handler. If the task does not apply, it is not assessed and not counted towards the final score. Assessment details, results and recommendations are provided to the horse's handler.
Assessments can be done in person or virtually. Need your miniature horse assessed for it's service animal capabilities? Want your miniature horse trained as a service animal?
Click on the "Lets Get Started" button to contact Head Trainer, Lisa today!